Glowing, Gleaming, Gluey Globs

3-session course

Glowing Gleaming Gluey Globs

Have you ever tried to catch color or bend light beams?

firefly puppets

firefly puppets

Join Mrs. Batson for a virtual visit to her “laboratory.” With Mrs. Batson’s instruction (and maybe a little help from Tom the Turkey) you will create some swishing, swirling concoctions in your own laboratory (also known as your family kitchen) using some common ingredients.*

We will conduct hands-on experiments demonstrating chemical and physical reactions such as refraction and fluorescence.

Tunnel of lightLearn about bioluminescence from a banana under a black light.  Did you ever hear about the Great Banana Explosion of 1936?  Those crazy gas molecules were at it again!

Hope you are ready for some flickering flashes of fun!  Oh, and a bit of a mess, of course.

*Supply kits will be provided.

glitter slime

For Children Ages 4-10

Rainbow faceClasses include discussion, exploration, science projects & experiments. Don’t miss it!

Location: Your house via Zoom

Time: 10am–11am, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday

glitter slime

Batson Independent Education


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